If your video does not have closed captioning (or even the live room), some browsers support live closed captioning, which will translate anything that your computer microphone picks up. You may need to use a tool like https://webcaptioner.com/ to do this. There may be better choices and options - some with an added cost - so search the web for alternates that might meet your needs. Note that this approach should also work with live content, such as in the Live Trading Rooms.
Automated Closed Captioning (CC) is now available for newly-uploaded videos from our video hosting service. This will be for videos uploaded after May 2022. You can identify videos that have closed captioning by the small CC icon located at the lower right of the video, as can be seen in the following image. Clicking on the CC brings up the menu as shown, where you can enable/disable the closed captioning. You can click Customize to configure the way it appears (color, size, background, etc.).
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