When contacting support, you can help us be more efficient and get back to you with the correct response sooner if you provide us with the right info up front. You might be surprised that we sometimes get messages saying something as vague as “my indicator doesn’t work”. In that case, we don’t know if it’s intermittent, what platform it’s on, or even what indicator it is. That requires extra time to collect more info, and requires more interaction with users, and a delay in getting you up and running asap.
Here are some suggested things to consider adding to your support message when you call in or email in a ticket:
What to Include When Contacting Support
Title/Short Description of Problem:
What trading platform and version are you running? (e.g. TradeStation 9.5, NT7, thinkorswim, etc.):
What type of computer are you using (PC, Mac, iPad, etc?)
If you have more than one trading computer or device, are all of your computers having this same issue, or just one?
What is your email address?
What is your Phone Number and best time of day – including Time Zone – we can reach you at if you’d like a callback?
Detailed Description of problem (Please include details of what’s happening, or exactly what you need. For example, if you need a specific recording, give the title or content / date.):
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