Looking for more information about courses offered by Base Camp Trading? One of the best places for workshop info is in our store. However, as of early 2024, our store is evolving, so you may not be able to find items there until our updates are completed.
Many course descriptions in the BCT Store include details about the course, and some even have an overview video. You can usually find this information by clicking on a workshop product in the store, and then scrolling down on the course page to find the additional details. Some courses also have an Additional Information tab, which may include links to other courses related to the selected course. If you have questions that aren't answered, feel free to contact our support team for additional help at support@basecamptrading.com
With regard to offerings in the store, we use the terms workshop and courses to mean the same thing. And our store also has information about indicators. When you click on the main Store link, you'll choose between Indicators and Workshops.
For those following Dave Aquino's strategies, Dave offers a Learning Pathways document that outlines the workshops and indicators needed for the various strategies he references. You can find more information about this document at the following link:
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