Penny does her best to provide helpful info, but she's an AI bot and doesn't always get every response correct, especially when she's inferring information from what she's been provided. She may struggle with questions that aren't simple to answer, and may even provide incorrect information. If in doubt, please confirm any response with information in our Knowledge Base or via our support team at, where you'll get the latest info.
To get the best responses from Penny to your questions:
- Ask one question at a time
- Keep each question brief and as specific as possible
- Ask each question independently (she doesn't remember previous questions)
and... - Signify a good response with a thumbs up (or bad with a thumbs down) to help her improve
- Let her create a support ticket for you so our human team can respond
- Use your BCT email, the one you use to log into the Base Camp Trading website
If Penny isn't providing you with the answer you need, then please contact with your support request.
Click this link for more details on how these suggestions can help
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