BCT indicators require registration of your TradeStation customer number in order to work. If not registered properly, the indicators may turn on for a moment, and then disappear from the chart as it shuts off. You can fix this type of error by making sure that you've identified your correct customer number and registering it, and then turning your indicators back on on each chart. Note that many users mistakenly use an account number, which will not work - you must use your TradeStation Customer Number.
To resolve this type of error, please refer to this link: https://support.basecamptrading.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047494794-How-do-I-recover-from-indicator-Authorization-errors-in-TradeStation-And-why-did-my-indicator-appear-then-disappear-
Let us know via support@basecamptrading.com if this solution doesn't resolve the issue, and we'll check some additional things for you to get you back up and running.
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