Thomas and Dave recorded videos explaining the use of several Base Camp Trading indicators around the time that MQ Power Lines was created. They did this through a video presentation over two nights, so there is a separate video for each.
Thomas' overview focused primarily on the indicators used in his Futures trading, while Dave's overview focused on indicators he uses primarily in his stocks and options trading.
Base Camp Trading develops new indicators a few times a year, so any indicators developed since these videos were recorded wouldn’t be discussed, but this gives a good overview of the indicators in use at that time and are generally still available and useful today.
For indicators not discussed in these videos, you can find information about some other indicators at this link.
Indicator Overview Videos
The video overviews are provided here:
1:00 – MQ Momentum
5:40 – MQ ValueCharts(R) / ValueBars
11:36 – MQ Cycle Finder
13:15 – MQ Momentum Trender Pro
15:19 – MQ Bull/Bear Flag
18:28 – MQ Power Lines
21:15 – MQ Trend
0:00 – Overview / General
5:55 – Options Room Indicator Setup
15:31 – MQ Momentum
23:57 – MQ VSI Pro
32:52 – MQ VBT
42:02 – MQ Regression
45:38 – MQ Trend
Note: Any prices shown in the video were during a store sale, and may not be available at the current time.
Bonus Video
The following video was created by Thomas before the two above videos were created, and discusses some of the indicators that were available in the indicator packages at that time. Please disregard any workshops or pricing information in these, and also note that the suites and bundles are no longer available, though you might find additional info on the indicators in the description that Thomas provides. Some of the original ValueCharts tools like Price Action Profile, which is no longer available, is discussed.
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