When MetaStock updated to version 18, that added a new feature to help users which got in the way of how we achieved the look of ValueCharts on the platform. The update is designed to make sure that any plots that are the same color as the chart background become visible. So if you plot something that's black on a chart with a black background, they would normally not show up. When this happens, they modify the plot's black to make it gray so it will appear. The same thing happens if you try to plot in white on a white background.
While this would be helpful if plotting black on black or white on white was being done by accident, ValueCharts must do this intentionally to get the ValueCharts plots to appear correctly. It intentionally tries to hide portions of histograms by plotting the background color to achieve its desired appearnce. This fix caused mysterious gray bars to appear from zero in version 18, where they weren't in version 17 or earlier.
Thankfully, after discussing this issue with MetaStock staff, they added a feature to disable this automatic color changing so plotting black intentionally on a black background has the desired effect we are looking for.
To turn off the automatic color changing that creates this issue, open Tools/Options, and on the Chart Options tab, uncheck the option for Auto adjust color for plots. The selection is highlighted with in red, and the option is unchecked in the image. This way, the plots are not automatically adjusted and ValueCharts appears as expected.
If you're not seeing this option, then it's likely you're not running version 18.2 or higher. Try updating your MetaStock installation to at least 18.2 or higher and you should see this option.
And here's a before / after image that shows how it changes.
ValueCharts in MetaStock Version 18 without Auto adjust color for plots disabled:
And with the option disabled. The gray extending to the midpoint of the indicator is no longer present:
Btw, MetaStock also recommended unchecking the option just above the auto adjust (Enable anti-aliasing) to provide clearer charts.
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