If you're looking to become more competent in using your Base Camp Trading indicators, a great place to start is to view the materials we've provided for indicators. Some of our more recently released indicators have a large amount of info available, including an introductory video, along with a User's Guide. This type of information is provided using a "resource page". Some indicators have information in video form only, where a concise overview of the indicator is provided along with a description of other indicators available at the time the video was recorded.
Here's a list of links for the resource pages, as well as links for the videos that cover several indicators all at once.
Other sources
Some of our indicators have an introductory video in the store, which you can find in the details of the store product for those indicators that have them. However, our store is evolving as of early 2024, so if you can't find something there, contact support@basecamptrading.com for assistance in finding more about that item.
You can also watch many of the indicators being used daily in the live trading rooms. And you're always welcome to ask questions about indicators during the live sessions, especially during the quiet times of the session. You can also ask questions at the live Tuesday Night Training office hours session, held in John's room every Tuesday night at 8 pm ET. These are the ways you can learn more about our indicators.
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