If the lines drawn by MQ PowerLines are hard to see, there are some things you can check to improve their visibility.
When the indicator draws the support and resistance levels, it's using a "trendline" object. When it draws the lines, it only specifies the color - not the weight, line style, or transparency. It will inherit those attributes from your default trendline settings. So if you currently have your default trendline set to be a dashed line at minimum width (weight) and at 50% transparency, that's how the support and resistance lines will appear in MQ PowerLines - with those attributes, though the indicator will override the default colors with the colors you specify in the MQ PowerLines indicator setting.
If you would like to make the MQ PowerLines lines more visible, then check your default trendline settings. You can do this by adding a trendline to your chart, then double-clicking on it (or right-click and select Format Trendline...). Click on the Style tab, and check both the Style, Weight, and Transparency settings. These are the style, weight, and transparency settings that will be used for the support and resistance lines that MQ PowerLines draws. If you want to increase their visibility, you can set the style to a solid line, choose a thicker weight, and move the transparency slider to solid. Make sure you check the Set as Default button to make these changes apply not just to the currently-selected trendline, but to all future trendlines added to a chart. Then refresh the chart that MQ PowerLines is on and see if the lines are easier to see. Note that these changes will apply to all newly-drawn trendlines as well, so finding a happy medium between your trendline and power line visibility needs may be the best choice.
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