Our indicators are typically provided in a .zip file format, and if you extract the .ts file within, double-clicking on it may result in a QuickTime error. Since the indicator filetype is .ts, for thinkscript, and since .ts files are typically video files, QuickTime is opened to try to play it. But QuickTime then gives an error because it's not a video file. Instead of double-clicking on the indicator to open it, you need to import it into thinkorswim from within the thinkorswim application.
Also, you'll want to make sure you're using the desktop application to install our indicators. You can find the Windows and Mac versions of the thinkorswim desktop application at the following link:
Here's how to import a downloaded BCT indicator into ThinkorSwim:
- Make sure that you have extracted the .ts file from the downloaded zip file somewhere on your hard drive. That is, expand the zip file so that the enclosed .ts file is stored in a folder, outside of the zip folder, perhaps in a temp directory. Make note of the location where you placed the .ts file.
- Open Thinkorswim, and from a chart, click Edit Studies (by clicking on the flask icon)
- In the Edit Studies dialog that appears, click on the Import button beneath the list of installed indicators.
- Navigate to find where you extracted the .ts indicator file, select it, and click Open to import it into thinkorswim.
You should then have MQ Momentum installed and can add it to a chart.
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