MQ Trend ships with dots displayed on a sub-graph in TradeStation. To have them appear on the price chart, you can adjust the settings in the Format Indicator / Scaling tab. Adjust the Scale On: setting to be Same Axis as Underlying. Click OK and MQ Trend dots should now appear on the price chart. While you're making this update, you may also want to increase the dot size for the two plots - under the Style tab. Selecting a plot size of 3 for each is a good starting point, but adjust as needed. Note that there's a separate plot (and separate width) to set for each of the two dot plots, so you'll need to adjust the size for each of ExitSLine and ExitBLine. Don't bother setting the colors under the Color tab - this indicator algorithmically sets the colors, so anything selected on the Color tab is ignored. If you don't want to use the default Green and Red for the dots, specify the colors using the Inputs tab, where the two inputs, GreenColor and RedColor can be used to specify the color you want to use for each. You can use the standard named TradeStation colors for these.
If you want these settings to be the default each time you add MQ Trend to the chart, make sure to select the Default button on each of the tabs you adjust.
Here's an image of the Format Indicator dialog with the Scale On setting set to the same axis as the underlying data - which is the price data. You can also see the Default button near the bottom left, which you can use to make the setting the default for this tab's settings any time you newly add it to a chart.
And here's an image of the Style tab, where the trend dot Point plot has been set to have a larger dot size - in this example, width 3. Repeat these steps for the ExitBLine plot if you want both the green and red dots to be the larger size. Again, clicking this tab's Default button will make this the default setting whenever the indicator is newly added to a chart.
Note that if you've already added the indicator to a chart, the default setting changes selected won't apply to them, as they'll maintain the settings that were the default at the time they were added to the chart. These will need to be manually updated, or you could remove and then re-add the indicator to your chart to get the new default settings.
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