TOS’s minimum time chart is 1 minute, so you can’t choose a 30-second chart like you can on other platforms, like TradeStation. This can be important because we use 30-second charts in the Stocks and Options room, including in Impulse trading.
Thankfully there is a workaround for some specific symbols. In a recent exchange with the Thinkorswim support team, they confirmed that for non-traded symbols, like SPX, tick charts artificially show trade activity as one tick per second. Therefore, looking at a 30-tick chart will have a very similar appearance to a 30-second chart.
Note that this won't be true for traded symbols that actually have trade data - their ticks will represent traded share activity in those charts.
In the past, we suggested using 33 ticks as a valid approximation for a 30-second chart in TOS, but with this updated validation from the TOS support team, 30-tick charts would be best for approximating 30-second charts in the SPX.
If you're a TOS user who doesn't have access to other platforms that provide sub-minute charts, you can confirm that the 30-tick approximates the 30-second chart by comparing your 30-tick chart to the 30-second chart you see in the live trading room.
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