You may get the following warning in TradeStation when using the MQ MZT indicator.
This is a warning from TradeStation that too many text objects have been added to a chart. In TradeStation, if too many text objects are added, it can slow some charts. MQ MZT in TradeStation draws Fast Line and Slow Line Zero Touches as up and down arrows, which are added to the chart as text objects, since TradeStation doesn’t offer arrows as symbols like other platforms do. In TradeStation 10, the warning message indicates that even fewer objects on a chart can create problems, and even lead to crashes. It’s also impactful to the trendlines used in MQ PowerLines.
The actual number of objects that indicators generate can vary greatly from day to day., Both MQ MZT and MQ PowerLines will generate a lot more drawing objects in choppy markets, and you’re more likely to experience these limits in these market conditions.
To avoid this warning, you must keep the history of your charts low enough so that less than 5000 arrows and other text objects are added to the chart. So, reducing the history of the chart should resolve this warning. Some chart types generate many more bars than others. For example, Renko charts can generate a lot of bars (20 days of history on an NQ Futures chart can generate over half a million bars of history). You can reduce your chart history using Format/Symbol and under the Settings tab, adjust the Range settings, as highlighted here in red. e.g., you could reduce the number of days back, or bars back, etc.
Technical Analysis for the coders out there: We have researched solutions to this, and one method to avoid this warning is to keep track of each drawn object, removing the oldest before drawing a new object once the limitation has been hit. This is what TradeStation suggests as a solution. But this would prevent the ability to view the signals when backtesting (though setting an end date would help that), in addition to requiring additional overhead to manage to do this in the code. We do try to streamline our indicators for optimal performance. One other consideration is that if more than one indicator is generating objects on a chart, TradeStation doesn’t appear to provide the ability to easily detect a total combined amount, so a complete solution would require tracking the totals across multiple indicators on a chart, and perhaps across multiple workspaces. This could get quite complex vs the simpler solution to reduce chart history. Regardless, we often use MQ PowerLines and MQ MZT together on the same chart, and other indicators use drawing objects as well. If TradeStation gets slow, considering reducing the history on charts that generate lots of text or trendline objects.
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