If you see a lot of N/A values being produced by an indicator, it's usually not an issue. This can happen with Base Camp Trading's indicator, Thinkorswim's indicators, or any indicator that uses conditional plotting.
Conditional plotting is showing something that appears only on some bars. When a plot has a value, for example, a dot or any other plot value, then it will appear on the chart at that price value. For bars where a programmer doesn't want a dot to appear, the value can be set to NaN, which means "Not a Number".
Typically, when a plot is set to NaN, the value doesn't appear, and there's little to no indication that it's not being plotted. The plot just doesn't show up.
But in some versions of Thinkorswim, N/A is shown in some places when a plot is set to NaN. This can create some confusion, as it may appear that an indicator isn't working properly, or is missing a value. But if a programmer is using conditional plots, then it's completely normal and expected.
It would be cleaner if TOS didn't show the N/A value in these cases, and perhaps they'll go back to how things were in the past in this manner, but until then, you can generally ignore the N/A values that appear for some plots. As long as the plot looks ok, then it's probably ok. If you're wondering, you can always ask our support team to verify.
The Fixed Data Box, available under the Style/DataBox menu, still hides N/A values, unlike the Floating data box, or the values that appear at the top of each chart region when no data box is used. So if you want to view the values of a plot without all those N/A's cluttering the results, try using the Fixed Data Box to view the non-N/A values at the current cursor.
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