If you find your price bars in NinjaTrader are compressed vertically, making it tough to see price action, you can adjust your indicators to prevent them from displaying all their values. For example, in the following image, you can see the price bars compressed to the center area of the chart, because the indicator is compressing the price axis to fit the indicator's white dot plots.
In trading, we suggest that users focus on price action before indicators, and we prefer that the chart expands to barely include the highest to lowest bar prices, maximizing the bars' display on the price chart.
The choice of whether to include all the plots of an indicator on the main price chart is controlled by each indicator. The Auto scale parameter automatically scales the chart to include all of an indicator's plots in a view. If Auto scale is unchecked, then the indicator doesn't force the display of all its plots. Instead, the user must scroll the y-axis up or down, or zoom in and out of a chart, to view the entire plot. This is often a preferred method, since it maximizes the display of the price bars.
To make the change, open the indicator's properties dialog, locate the Visuals section, and uncheck Auto scale, as shown in the following image:
Repeat this for each indicator on your chart. You'll then find that the chart's high to low price will adjust to the bars' highest and lowest displayed value, expanding them to the full height of the chart, as shown in the following image, making the price action much easier to analyze. Click and drag on the price axis to adjust it to see plots above / below the chart, and click the F that appears in the upper right corner of the chart if its price axis is manually adjusted (placing it in "Fixed" mode).
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