When you purchase an indicator from Base Camp Trading, the default settings are generally what's recommended. Our live trading room instructors use the default settings in most cases. If they're using something different, you'll likely hear them refer to the different settings in use, but feel free to ask questions in the live chat if you have questions.
We do undersatnd that many traders have difficulty viewing certain colors, so most of our indicators have the ability to adjust colors to suit each trader's needs. If you are challenged in getting the indicator to be easily visible with any indicator, please contact our support team and we'll do our best to find a way to help you assure visibility. We realize that it's very frustrating not to be able to see the charts or indicators well, and we'll do what we can to help.
You're welcome to adjust the inputs to your liking. Many of the indicators offer User Guides that provide information about all of the indicator's inputs, as well as each input's default value. Most platforms have a way to change the default values so that the next time the indicator is added to a chart, it uses the "new" default values you set. Most platforms also have a way to reset all of the values back to their defaults. If you have questions about the inputs or the impact of changing them, check the User Guide FAQs for any related FAQs on it, or ask in the Live Trading Room, or contact support@basecamptrading.com for assistance.
One of the few exceptions is with the MQ Value Charts (R) indicators first input (called 'Analysis Period' or 'numbars', which sometimes gets defaulted to 14. Our instructors generally use a 5 for that input. As with questions about inputs, feel free to ask about these changes in any of our live trading rooms, or contact our support team. Note that this applies to any of the ValueCharts(R)-related indicators, such as Value Bars, Value Alerts, Value Flags, etc.
Some of our instructors discuss alternate ways of using our indicators, with specific input configurations. These are generally offered in Intensive recordings, and may involve special activities such as scalping trades. If you have questions about those alternative special-purpose configurations, please refer to the Intensive recording on what those settings are, and why the changes are made.
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