If you're a Chrome user, you may have recently experienced a considerable slow down in page loads. If that's occurring, it may be an extension that is slowing things. The slow downs may be especially evident when trying to load certain sites, such as the TradingView site.
The first thing to do is confirm that it's Chrome and not the website. Try loading the site from a different browser to see if it performs and loads better on the other browser. If it doesn't, then it may not be Chrome. But if Chrome is the slower performer, there are some things you can do to see if you can get the speed back to where it once was.
Typically, it's something configured or added to Chrome that creates issues. To identify whether an extension is causing the slowdown, you can attempt to load the site while disabling your extensions one by one, each time trying to load the slowed page to see if performance improves. By doing this one by one, you can clarify exactly which extension is causing the problem. If you have a lot of extensions, you may want to disable all of them and try the loading and see if it improves. Then, to find the culprit, you can add them back one by one. Once you identify the extension creating the delays, you can re-enable the others and once again check if the slowness is gone. If it's not, there may be more than one extension causing the delays. Repeat the steps until you find each extension creating the problem.
In a recent example, slowness on the TradingView site was attributed to the Malwarebytes extension. Disabling the extension resolved the issue, and the site loaded without the typical 30-60 second delay. Once the extension was re-enabled, the delay returned. Since Malwarebytes is an extension that the user wants to continue using, the extension was removed and re-added. This resolved the issue in that the page loads once again became immediate, even with the replaced extension active. This implies that the extension somehow became corrupt, and removing / replacing it resolved the issue.
If you do not see performance improve after checking through your extensions, there may be a setting within the browser that is creating the slowdown. If you use Synch within Chrome, you can temporarily disable sync, reset the settings to factory settings, and then check if performance improves (a reset setting is available within Chrome's settings). Of course, clearing cache and cookies may also be something that can speed up your browser. If your performance does improve, you can then reenable your sync once again, and the synched settings will be restored.
If you're still experiencing slowness, see if adjusting the settings mentioned in this KB article help.
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