The MetaStock offers some nice additions to indicators that aren't available on other platforms. If implemented, trading signals can be added to a chart to show events, such as entries, exits, trailed stop points, or more. There's also a "ribbon" that sometimes runs beneath a chart which is often used to show underlying bias, such as where a market is bullish or bearish. Alerts and other indications are also offered in situations where they are not present on other platforms. Explorations are offered by MetaStock, where, if programmed, scans can be used to find trade candidates.
The MicroQuant / Base Camp Trading versions of our indicators offer these features, as well as combine in additional indicators, such as MQ Momentum, as part of the package. While the MetaStock version can sometimes be more costly than its counterparts, the additional features and added indicators can make it a better value for many traders.
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