The following BCT indicators are currently available for TradingView. Recent arrivals appear in bold.
- MQ AVT (Adaptive Volatility Targets)
- MQ Bull Bear Flags
- MQ Cycle Finder
- MQ Divergence Pro
- MQ Double Tap
- MQ Gravity Lines
- MQ Momentum
- MQ PowerLines
- MQ Range Finder
- MQ Regression
- MQ SuperMomentum
- MQ Trend
- MQ Trender Pro 2.0
- MQ ValueBars
- MQ ValueCharts(R)
- MQ VBT Squeeze
- MQ VSI Pro
- MQ WinWave
- Power Algo Trend Indicator (PATI)
Some indicators on this list do not have a TradingView request box on its download page. In that case, click this link to send us your TradingView username and we'll add whichever indicators are missing from those you own. Contact our support team if you're still unable to get a specific indicator activated.
You can get information how to access these indicators at this link
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