There are a number of places where you can learn more about how to use your indicators, in addition to seeing them used and discussed in the Live Trading Rooms. Resource pages are available for many Base Camp Trading indicators and services. Resource pages for newer indicators typically include a training video that demonstrates the use of the indicator, along with a link to the indicator's User Guide. Pages are available to indicator buyers, who can usually find the link to a resource guide in the email they receive on purchasing an indicator. Note that if you click a link and you're asked to log in, it usually means that you don't own that indicator. Most resource pages require owning the indicator to view them.
Resource Guide Links
Other Indicators
Indicator | Resource Link | Additional Info / Pertinent Article |
MQ Momentum | | |
MQ ValueCharts(R)-Related Indicators for TOS |
What's new in Thinkorswim versions of ValueCharts(R) Indicators?
Applies to newly updated Thinkorswim indicators that use ValueCharts(R) technology, including ValueBars, ValueCharts, Value Levels, MQ Migration, etc. |
For indicators that are not listed in the tables:
If a Resource Page isn't available for your indicator, check back again at a future date as we may provide additional resource pages in the future. For now, there are a few additional resources available to you that may be helpful.
This knowledge base article provides some videos on how to use a number of Base Camp Trading indicators:
And here's the link to that same info:
You can find even more info about older indicators by using the search function on the Base Camp Trading YouTube page, which is at: . Once at the Base CampTrading YouTube channel, click on the magnifying glass icon to search for topics to see what videos are related to your topic. Most will be short (less than 10 minutes), while there are some longer videos as well, such as this longer video that reviews the many different indicators within the full MQ ValueCharts Suite of tools .
What's Available on a Resource Page?
Resource pages can provide quite a bit of useful info. They may include a guide that provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), setup instructions, release info, and more. They are often updated as new questions arise where we feel others would benefit from the info. They can also provide information about new releases of the indicator, usually offered at the bottom of the User's Guide (sometimes called the Setup Guide & FAQ, though it's a User's Guide.)
Resource pages also provide the instructional video that goes along with the indicator. Note that if the indicator is brand new, the instructional video may not yet be available, but once it is, it will likely be posted to the resource page.
Resource pages themselves are only available to those who have purchased the associated indicator, so if you try to reach one of these links and you're brought to a screen suggesting you log out, then you may want to check with support to confirm that your account is properly registered to access the indicator or service.
Where's the book that I was told was coming?
If you are expecting a book from Base Camp Trading, double-check the emails that you received after you placed the order for the book. It's likely that a link to the book has been provided in an email from us. If you have any trouble finding it, contact our support team for assistance.
Even More Info
Here are some videos that can explain even more about some of our indicators. Note, however, that any price info or special offers and giveaways mentioned are NOT available since they are promotions that have been only offered in the past. So please do not contact our support team expecting that the pricing or other special offers are expected to be met. The information about the indicator itself is still valuable.
Indicator | Link |
VSI | |
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