If you’re using TS 10 and getting errors from Base Camp Trading indicators stating “Attempted to divide by zero”, let support@basecamptrading.com know. There may be some subtle differences between TS 9.5 and 10 that can create this issue in some cases, and we can work with you to see if they can be resolved.
When you contact us, see if you can get a screen capture of the error message, which typically appears in the TradeStation Events Log. When you’re looking at the events log, you can get more information about the error by clicking on the error in the Event window, then making sure the Details are shown in an expanded area below, by clicking on the Details >> button. Additional details about the selected event will appear in the expanded area below.
The expanded events log appears as follow when viewing the events log. Letting us know how often the problem occurs as well as which indicator(s) are affected will also be helpful.

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