If you are trying to add a Base Camp Trading indicator to a chart and you get an error similar to what’s shown below, you may have mistakenly moved or removed a directory or file that’s important to the operation of the indicator.
This can happen if you move your indicators to a new computer, or if you remove a required ValueCharts folder from your C: drive.
Here’s how to fix it. You have a couple of options:
- You can try to recover the folder and file that are reported missing. In the example shown below, it’s looking for a file called valuechartsauthorization.dll in a folder at the top level of your C: drive, called ValueCharts Tradestation. If you can get that folder and its content back (or copied to your new system), then your indicator may start working without further issue. If not, try option 2.
- Option 2 is to download the indicator from the Base Camp Trading website and install it again as if it were new. This should bring in all of the required information and files that are necessary for the indicator to work.

If you’ve tried these steps and you’re still not able to use your indicators, please reach out to support at support@basecamptrading.com and we’ll get you back up and running ASAP.
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