If you’re using MQ MZT in ThinkOrSwim (TOS), you may be wondering how and why MQ MZT signals appear differently from other platforms, such as TradeStation (TS).
The way that TOS and TS display the crossover signals is different, which might be causing the confusion for some traders. TS places the bullish crossovers beneath price and bearish crossovers above price. Unlike TS, TOS doesn’t give programmers the option to locate the ^ or v signals above or below price. In TOS, the ^ always appears above price, and the v always appears below price – and that’s swapped for how they appear in TS. So in TOS, ignore the location of the carets, and instead, use the direction of the arrow to determine whether the signal is bullish or bearish.
Below are charts comparing the two platforms side by side. You can see the carets in TOS located on the opposite side that TS shows them. In TOS, bearish crossovers appear below price, while bullish crossover indications appear above price. It’s the opposite in TS. The way to remember which is which in TOS is to pay attention to the direction implied by the caret, with up-pointing carets indicating bullish crossovers, and down-pointing carets indicating bearish crossovers, regardless of where they’re positioned relative to price.

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