In some cases, when you use a browser like Chrome to view the Live Trading Rooms on your phone, you may get a blank screen when trying to join the room. This occurs just before you enter the trading room itself - it happens at the screen where you provide your email, nickname, etc.
The cause for this appears to be cookies, where the browser settings are preventing cookies from being saved to your device. In order to fix this, you can change your cookies setting to "Allow cookies" which would allow all cookies, and this might not be the best choice for those trying to limit the tracking that the web is doing. In fact, Google defaults to blocking third-party cookies in general.
So a better solution may be to add a site-based exception that allows for cookies. In this case, granting to be able to save cookies.
To set this up in Chrome, from the browser on your phone, select the 3 dots menu at the upper right and choose Settings, then Site Settings, and then Cookies or open settings and search for Cookies. To allow just and the trading room site to be able to set third-party cookies, you can create an exception to the general rule for all sites. Click on Add at the bottom of the list of options, and enter as well as, as shown in the images, below. Then revisit the live trading room to see if you can now gain access. If it still doesn't work, double-check that you spelled the site name correctly and that you checked the third-party cookies option. If this can't be resolved, consider using the trading room app to be able to view the rooms on your mobile device. You can find more information on how to set that up here.
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