MQ Momentum is one of the primary indicators we use at Base Camp Trading. In fact, you'll find it on almost every chart we use, across all time frames and chart types - even Renko. Use of this indicator is covered extensively in many of the courses and intensives that we offer at Base Camp Trading. Here are a few links to get you started with using this powerful indicator:
MQ Momentum Training / Overview / Q & A
How is MQ Momentum different than MACD and why do we think it's better?
Here's an article that describes how MQ Momentum can help your trading
Concise overviews of MQ Momentum offered by Thomas and Dave are included at the following link. Use the time index beneath each video to locate the start time of the MQ Momentum overviews they provide.
And if you're looking for more information on the supercharged version of MQ Momentum, owners of MQ SuperMomentum can find additional information at the following indicator resource page:
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