You may find that TOS compresses your price chart after adding some indicators. It might make price appear as a thin line. This is typically because the new indicator is trying to plot something distant from price, such as at zero. TOS tries to show the indicator so it compresses the y axis to include all plotted values.
You can quickly determine if this is the case by making an adjustment in Chart Settings. Under the Price Axis tab, you can find Fit studies and Fit study markers. Start with Fit Studies, and if it's checked, try unchecking it to see if it resolves the problem. If it's still compressed, try unchecking the Fit study markers option. These choices determine whether TOS adjusts the y-axis to include all plots from studies or just price action. When unchecked, the chart should reflect the range of price from low to high.
If this doesn't work, or you don't want to use that approach, then try zooming into your TOS chart to see if the problem goes away when looking at a smaller area of your chart. Another possible solution is to increase the amount of history shown so that any early mis-plots are shifted off the screen. Some indicators take time for data to build and can create unexpected values until they "settle" into normal operation, and getting those out of your displayed chart timeframe could resolve the issue.
The following image shows where the Fit studies and Fit study markers reside.
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