If customers would like a refund during the money-back guarantee period, please contact us and we'll work with you on getting a refund or exchange. If a customer doesn't reach out to us and instead denies the charge at the credit card company, it significantly elongates the process for getting back your money, by weeks or even months, and your claim may even be denied by the credit card company.
When a customer requests a refund from us, they will see that refund within 7 to 10 days, and often this will happen within two or three days. This is the fastest way to get a refund. Exchanges can happen instantly.
When a customer doesn't reach out to us and instead contacts the credit card company to state it's a fraudulent charge, it creates a lengthy wait for the customer. This is because the credit company must reach out to us for proof that the customer did purchase the item. It takes time for them to notify us for this, and then time for us to pull together the information relating to the order. The credit card company then has to review the materials and decide whether the charge was fraudulent. If the credit card company determines the order was not fraudulent, then the claim is denied and the customer doesn't get the refund. This whole process can take many weeks if not months.
Once a customer submits a fraudulent charge claim, we can't refund the money ourselves unless that fraudulent claim is canceled by the customer, and verified as canceled by us. Once a fraudulent claim has been filed, we have no way of knowing whether the credit card company will refund the money (and charge us), so we can't refund the customer's money until the claim is resolved, otherwise a double refund to the customer may occur.
This is why claiming a fraudulent charge as a way to get a refund rather than working with us can add weeks if not months of delays in getting your money back. And claiming a false charge with your credit card company may not result in a refund at all.
So always reach out to us with your concerns, and let us provide you with the refund or an alternate product if you'd like. We want you to have a quick resolution, and be comfortable buying from us again in the future.
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