You can view the live BCT trading rooms on your phone or tablet by using the Pro Trading Room app by Bellesoft Consulting Corp.. The app is available for Apple and Android devices. This app lets you view the room, and the comments, listen to the audio from the room moderators, access the room files, and chat. It also lets you receive alerts pushed during the sessions.
If you can't reach the webpage to get the app or credentials, you can search your app store for BellSoft Consulting or Pro Trading Room to get the app.
To find the correct app, and to get the credentials necessary to connect you as an authorized user, log into either of the trading rooms. Then click on the “hamburger” options menu that appears in the upper left corner. It’s the one with three horizontal lines, as shown here.
IMPORTANT: If you're using an ipad or iphone to join the room via a web browser and you're having trouble connecting, use Safari, not Chrome or another web browser. Apple may limit the capabilities of browsers other than their own Safari, preventing non-Safari browsers from being used for the required web communication protocols. Using the apps avoids this issue.
Click on the Mobile App Info button (the phone-like icon circled in red in the image above) to bring up a window that includes a link to the app, along with your credentials that authorize you to connect to the BCT room. The window appears as shown here, though the email and pin are blurred out in the image. You can also bring up this window by expanding the options menu (the three horizontal lines) and selecting the Mobile App Info button that appears.
Choose the app store button that applies to your device (Android or Apple - clicking on the icons will take you to the app in the appropriate store) and download and install the app to your device.
Open the app and enter the email and pin credentials provided at the bottom of the Mobile App Info dialog box. Follow the instructions in the app, and use the Sync All Available Rooms button in the app if both rooms aren't available to you.
It does not appear that you can join both rooms simultaneously from the same device, but you could use another device (e.g. a tablet or phone) or the web-based version to be in both.
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